A weight loss banded friend of mine (that I yet to meet in person and we need to change that!) made the milestone today of ONEDERLAND! For those who is wondering what onederland is it is when you make it below 200lbs. Congrats Nancy! Keep up that great work!
What a wonderful feeling that must be! I am so close myself to that mark is why I am making this post today. To keep me accountable and to keep me on track!
This past month or so has been hard to stay on track. Eating the things I should not, not exercising like I should etc. I noticed this a few days ago and I said it will stop NOW. I am getting myself back on track and will be at that onderland mark by my birthday on the 25th of this month! It was this month a year ago I made such a life changing decision. Why should I fail now? I have come so far I just need to keep on going! As Dory would say "Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming!"

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