Picture taken 21 September 2010
First appointment today! Today I met both Doctors. Dr. Cywes and Dr. McClure. The staff took my history, weight, picture and end the end of it all, I set my next few appointments to get all this done! Everyone seem nice. Doctors seem a bit scripted but I feel it is to get all information across. I am going to the Jacksonville Weight Loss Center
My next appointment with the Dr. will not be until 27 October. However, first thing tomorrow September 23, I am going to see the Nutritionist, Fitness Dir. and do my Psych exam. I said I really want to get this going, and so far I am getting my wish! Then about two weeks before my 2nd appointment with the Dr. I have to get my labs, chest x-ray, ekg all done over at the hospital. I also need a letter of Medical Necessity from my primary care physician. There is an Emmi program I need to complete as well. Phil and I will sit down together to do that as from what I understand it will talk more about the surgery and such. It is all done on the web at www.my-emmi.com
I am glad I am doing this and that I have made the commitment to get my life in better shape. There is a bit of a cost to go with the center I am with but I feel I will have a support system there like no other as they will follow you for life! It is not go in get the surgery and never see the Dr. again.
Now for the picture. I am going to take a picture of myself each time I have an appointment with the Dr. I hope to have some form of progress that can be seen. I am also thinking of just updating my weight loss ticker with the weight at the office but I will think about that a bit more.
Tonight, I have filled out more paper work that they gave me for tomorrow. Ate a good dinner and getting ready for a shower and bed as tomorrow is a new day!
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