Wow if I had known that today was National Clean Out your Frig I would have waited until today! Well there is a few more items in the Refrigerator that must go so out they go. Then, onto the pantry! It is amazing to me that all our eating habits are changing for the better.
I found my true weakness this weekend. Blasted Oreo Cookies! There is just something about those little Black cookies with that white stuff in the middle! Add those to milk (the only true time I had a glass as milk was never my favorite) and I could have eaten an whole sleeve from the bulk box at BJ's! Now, my friends don't worry...Judy still was under control for the most part. I only had two cookies this weekend. Both of them on Saturday one in the afternoon, and one that night. But come Sunday when hubby got them out again, I just gave him a dirty look and sulk in my chair as he sat there with his mug of milk and cookies! So I pat myself on the back for not totally loosing control and my family now knows to be careful when they come into the home.
All and all I am doing GREAT! I don't like to update the weight loss ticker until I go to the Dr. and get the real weight loss reading but I know, I know I am below 300! I am soooo happy about this. Also, Sunday was a great day for a NSV. That is Non Scale Victory. A friend of mine who has not seen me in I guess about a month or maybe a bit longer said YOU LOOK FANTASTIC! Glowing! I just smiled from ear to ear on that! Thanks Anna, you just made my day!
This week I have a feeling will go by slow, but next week is all my pre op appointments and then Thanksgiving. I am not even sure at the moment what I will be able to eat on Thanksgiving, but never the less I am so thankful that I can have this surgery to keep moving forward to better health. So I will have a lot to be thankful.
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